Launch of the restored EIRE6 sign, 9 th April 2022
On 9 th April 2022, the President of Ireland Mr Michael D. Higgins and Mrs Sabina Higgins
officially launched the restored EIRE6 sign.
It was a bright brilliant day in an otherwise cloudy, cold and rainy month!
Lara O’Brien, Howth EIRE6 Restoration Group, greets President Michael D. Higgins and Mrs Sabina Higgins on their arrival
The Howth Scouts’ Guard of Honour awaits the arrival of President Michael D. Higgins
The President and Mrs Higgins were welcomed by a Guard of Honour of Howth Sea Scouts, children representing local schools, members of the GAA and the EIRE6 Group, Aer Lingus cabin crew and uileann piper Leo Rickard, who played the Presidential Salute.
President Higgins & Mrs Sabina Higgins at the memorial at the EIRE6 site

The event, managed by Geraldine Mahony of the EIRE6 Group, involved a large invited gathering, including many EIRE6 restoration volunteers, descendants of the garrison who defended the Howth coast in World War Two, representatives of local community and sports groups, sponsors and supporters of the restoration - including Peter Kearney CEO and his team from the Irish Aviation Authority and Donal Moriarty and his team from Aer Lingus, as well as the Mayor of Fingal Seana O’Rodaigh, Minister Darragh O’Brien TD representing the government, Dublin Bay North TDs Seán Haughey, Richard Bruton and Cian O’Callaghan, Councillor Joan Hopkins, and Fingal Co. Co. Chief Executive AnnMarie Farrelly.
President Higgins and Mrs Higgins with the EIRE6 Group, from left, Orla Rorke, Philip O’Connor, Lorcan Blake, Lara O’Brien, Cathal Murnane, Conn Redmond and the late Dermot Quinn
With Peter Kearney CEO and other representatives of the Irish Aviation Authority
The ceremony began with Defence Forces Chief of Staff, Lieutenant-General Seán Clancy and
Dr Philip O’Connor of the EIRE6 Group presenting certificates and commemorative coins to a
representative of each of the families of the men who had garrisoned Howth Lookout Post
throughout the World War of 1939-45 and built the EIRE6 neutrality sign in 1943.
On their arrival, President Michael D. Higgins and Ms Higgins inspected the sign and the
memorial and met with local groups and the families of the wartime EIRE6 crew. Memorable
thought-provoking addresses were delivered by President Higgins, Dr Michael Kennedy of
the RIA/National Archives, Donal Moriarty of Aer Lingus and Lara O’Brien of the EIRE6
Restoration Group, all available here. Broadcaster Dearbhail McDonald officiated
throughout with great aplomb. The event was saluted by a fly-past of the Irish Air Corps and
a chorus of horns from a large flotilla of boats from Howth Yacht Club, the RNLI, the
Coastguard and the Howth fishing fleet gathered off-shore of the East Mountain cliff.
Certificate and commemorative coin presented to family descendants of each of the wartime EIRE6 Lookout Post crew in honour of their service
Nicky McLoughlin, representing the family of Tom McLoughlin, is presented with the certificate and commemorative coin by Lt.-Gen. Seán Clancy
Maureen Redmond proudly displays her father-in-law Tommy Redmond’s wartime service medal and the EIRE6 commemorative coin
Philip O'Connor and the late Dermot Quin of the EIRE6 Group greet Lt-Gen. Seán Clancy, Army Chief of Staff
Orla Rorke is called by Dearbhail McDonald to collect the coin and certificate honouring her grandfather, Seån Rorke, Corporal in Command, EIRE6, for his service in 1939-45
The Air Corps fly-past salute
The flotilla of local boats salute with horns
President Michael D. Higgins presents his address
… and joins with others to listen to that of Dr Kennedy